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Legislative Debate 


Chamber Procedure 

Bills that have passed through committee move on to chambers.



There are two legislatures, each of which has both an Assembly and a Senate.  Bills may enter either the Assembly or the Senate, where they are sponsored by their author or their co-sponsor.  After passage of a Bill in one chamber, it moves on to the supplemental chamber where the Bill must again be passed before moving to the desk of the Governor. 


Step 1: Introduction of Bills:  Chair announces the docket for the chamber session at the start of each session.  Debate proceeds in order of the docket unless changed by a motion.


Step 2: Bill Debate

  1. The Clerk reads the enactment clause and any amendments to the Bill

  2. The author of the Bill approaches the front of the room

  3. The author proceeds with his/her 2 minute opening statement

  4. Committee moves to a period of Non-debatable Technical Questions (NDTQs)

  5. Debate (3 con speakers and 3 pro speakers)

    1. The Chair will call on a con speaker followed by a pro speaker

    2. 2 minutes per speech

    3. Delegates may not yield on yielded time

    4. Procedural and substantive motions and points are in order

      1. Yield to Series of Questions

      2. Yield to a Fellow Delegate after speaking for one half their original time

      3. Yield to the author’s summation

      4. Yield to the Chair

      5. Motion to hear an amendment

  6. Author’s Closing Statements

    1. Author must reintroduce themselves

    2. 2 minutes per closing in addition to any yielded time


Step 3: Vote:

  1. Vote is conducted through the use of a standing vote

  2. Simple majority needed to pass


Amendment Debate


Step 1: Introduction of Amendments in Chamber:  Delegates wishing to amend the Bill currently on the floor must have already approached the Clerk with the amendment.  The delegate must ask to hear the amendment on con time.  After Amendment debate has concluded, the chamber returns to Bill debate on the same Bill.   


Step 2: Amendment Debate:

  1. Chair will ensure the Bill is germane, receives a second and receives majority consent to be heard by the chamber

  2. The Clerk reads the amendment 

  3. The author of the Amendment approaches the front of the room

  4. The amendment author proceeds with a 2 minute opening statement

  5. Chamber moves to a period of Non-debatable Technical Questions (NDTQs)

  6. Debate (3 con speakers and 3 pro speakers)

    1. The Chair will call on a con speaker followed by a pro speaker

    2. 2 minutes per speech

    3. Delegates may not yield on yielded time

    4. Procedural and substantive motions and points are in order

      1. Yield to Series of Questions

      2. Yield to a Fellow Delegate after speaking for one half their original time 

      3. Yield to the amendment author’s summation

      4. Yield to the Chair

  7. Amendment Author’s Closing Statements

    1. Amendment Author must reintroduce themself

    2. 2 minutes per closing in addition to any yielded time


Step 3: Vote

  1. Vote is conducted through the use of a standing vote

  2. Simple majority needed to pass

  3. If passed, the amendment is added to the bill





Step 1:  If a Bill is vetoed by the Governor, it is returned to the Author’s Chamber.  The Chair may announce at any time in between Bill debate that a Bill has been vetoed.  A delegate that voted in favor must motion to reconsider the Bill.  A second, followed by a simple majority is required.


Step 2:  Reconsider Vetoed Bill:

  1. The Clerk reads the veto statement from the Governor

  2. The sponsor of the Bill is recognized for 2 minutes to respond to the veto message

  3. The Chamber moves to a period of Non-debatable Technical Questions (NDTQs) 

  4. Debate (3 con speakers and 3 pro speakers)

    1. The Chair will call on a con speaker followed by a pro speaker

    2. 2 minutes per speech

    3. Delegates may not yield on yielded time

    4. Procedural and substantive motions and points are in order

      1. Yield to Series of Questions

      2. Yield to a Fellow Delegate after speaking for one half their original time

      3. Yield to the author’s summation

      4. Yield to the Chair

  5. Author’s Closing Statements

    1. Author must reintroduce themself

    2. 2 minutes per closing in addition to any yielded time


 Step 3: Vote:

  1. Vote is conducted through the use of a standing vote

  2.  ⅔ majority vote needed to pass

  3. If the Bill passes, it moves directly to the other chamber for the same procedure

  4. If the Bill fails, it remains vetoed




Step 1: Hear Motion to Reconsider: If a Bill is conditionally vetoed by the Governor, it is returned to Author’s Chamber.  The Chair may announce at any time in between Bill debate that a Bill has been conditionally vetoed.  A delegate that voted in favor must motion to reconsider the Bill.  A second, followed by a simple majority vote is required.  


Step 2:  Facilitate Amendment:

  1. The Clerk reads the veto statement from the Governor

  2. The sponsor of the Bill is recognized for 2 minutes to respond to the veto message

  3. Amendments to the Bill are now in order to be heard and debated


Step 3: Amend Bill

  1. Recognize an amendment

  2. Continue with Amendment Procedure

  3. If the Amendment passes, move to a vote on the Bill as amended 

    1. Majority needed

  4. If the Amendment fails, move directly to veto override procedure

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